Transforming STEM Education

See below for a guide on course transformation, a handbook for those looking to implement an initiative like the SEI, and tips on how to help facilitate these changes.

Science Education Initiative Resources

Book on the CWSEI and CU-SEI (parallel initiative at University of Colorado Boulder): Harvard University Press 2017 Improving How Universities Teach Science: Lessons from the Science Education Initiative, by Carl Wieman.

Science Education Initiative Handbook: Free SEI Handbook containing practical advice on implementing an SEI-like program at your institution, by Stephanie Chasteen (CU-SEI) and Warren Code (CWSEI).

Change article - Transforming Science Education at Large Research Universities: A Case Study in Progress
Carl Wieman, Katherine Perkins and Sarah Gilbert, Change, pp. 7-14 (March/April 2010).

Science Education Initiative Suggested Indicators for Full Implementation
Guidance to Departments, Faculty members, and Science Teaching & Learning Fellows on the activities and accomplishments that maximize the chances that the efforts on a particular course meet the science education initiative goals.

Course Transformation Resources

Course Transformation Guide
A guide for instructors interested in transforming a course, and transforming their instruction, to use research-based principles and improve student learning. Included are reviews of key principles in teaching and learning, and research-based recommendations on instructional techniques. (40 pages)

A Thoughtful Approach to Instruction: Course transformation for the rest of us
Stephanie Chasteen, Katherine Perkins, Paul Beale, Steven Pollock, & Carl Wieman, Journal of College Science Teaching, Vol. 40, pp. 24-30 (2011).

Course Transformation Expectations
A checklist for course transformation and sustainability developed by the UBC Earth & Ocean Sciences Department Science Education Initiative program (EOS-SEI).

Course transformation case study
A case study example of a transformation of University of Colorado Physics 2130 “Introduction to modern physics”. This transformation was carried out by Carl Wieman, Kathy Perkins, and Sam McKagan.