This collection of guides and instructor resources has been developed by the CWSEI and is useful for a range of audiences.
You can use the categories below, or search across all available resource items (full-site search is available via the search widget at the top of the page).

Instructor Resources
Our extensive set of evidence-based recommendations and information for instructors.

Free-to-use, evidence-based measurement instruments and educational development resources developed by the CWSEI and CU-SEI. Visit the Tools page to read brief descriptions, or browse directly to one of the tools:
- Classroom Observation Protocol for Undergraduate STEM (COPUS)
- Teaching Practices Inventory (TPI)
- Student Engagement Observation Protocol (BERI)
- Student Surveys: Learning Attitudes about Science Surveys (CLASS, E-CLASS, etc.), Student Experience Survey
- Workshops and Training
- Science Teaching & Learning Fellow: Role and Development

Transformation Guides
A guide on course transformation, a handbook for those looking to implement an initiative like the SEI, and tips on how to help facilitate these changes. Visit the Guides page to read brief descriptions and for some related references, or browse directly to one of the guides:
- Science Education Initiative Handbook: Free handbook containing practical advice on implementing an SEI-like program at your institution.
- Course Transformation Guide for instructors interested in transforming a course - and their instruction - to use research-based principles and improve student learning.
- Clicker Resource Guide: An instructor's guide to the effective use of personal response systems ("clickers") in teaching.