Note: the department was "Earth & Ocean Sciences" for most of its time in the CWSEI, so you will see that name in most documentation here.
CWSEI Department Director: Stuart Sutherland, Sara Harris
STLFs: Alison Jolley, Tara Holland, Sarah Bean Sherman, Francis Jones, Brett Gilley, Erin Lane, Joshua Caulkins, Ben Kennedy
Faculty who have worked with STLFs on specific courses: S. Allen, R. Beckie, M. Bevier, M. Bostock, G. Dipple, E. Eberhardt, R. Francois, B. Gilley, E. Haber, S. Harris, F. Herrmann, K. Hickey, S. Hollingshead, T. Ivanochko, M. Jellinek, C. Johnson, F. Jones, L. Kennedy, M. Kopylova, M. Maldonado, U. Mayer, S. McDougall, J. Mortensen, D. Oldenburg, K. Orians, E. Pakhomov, R. Pawlowicz, V. Radic, K. Russell, C. Schoof, J. Scoates, M. Smit, P. Smith, D. Steyn, R. Stull, S. Sutherland, P. Tortell, M. Ver, S. Waterman, D. Weis
Additional Faculty/Instructors impacted by CWSEI: M. Allen, D. Athaide, P. Austin, A. Bain, E. Barns, T. Bissig, A. Caruthers, K. Chan, K. Grimm, L. Groat, P. Hammer, E. Hearn, O. Hungr, D. Jessop, M. Lipsen, L. Longridge, M. McKinnon, J. Monteux, L. Porritt, C. Suttle, .B. VanStraaten, D. Winget, H. Zerriffi, D. Turner, T. Dzikowski
Students contributing to SEI project components: L. Bailey, L. Beranek, J-F. Blanchette-Guertin, G. Baldeon, A. Caruthers, D. Cassis, R. Cockett, J. Dohaney, R. Eso, G. Epstein, L. Greenlaw, M. Golding, L. Gurney, M. Halverson, L. Harrison, S. Henderson, T. Hirsche, K. Hodge, E. Holmes, A. Jolley, K. Ko, P. Lelievre, C. Leslie, C. Livingstone, K. Lucas, J. Mcalister, C. Miller, P. Olmstead, K. Rasmussen, J. Rhajiak, E. Schaeffer, J. Schiller, E. Scribner, I. Shinnick-Gordon, B. Smithyman, K. Smet, L. Stock, R. Taylor, D. Tomkins, D. Tommasi, C. Wong
Activity summary report for the EOS/EOAS CWSEI group (course and curriculum projects, research, development of assessment tools) - PDF download
EOAS maintains an extensive site of its own with records, research, and more from its SEI efforts:
Archive of the newsletter, "EOS SEI Times", 2008-2017:
Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences received full funding from CWSEI in 2007 and began the efforts listed below in Summer 2007. The overarching goal of the Department’s science education initiative (EOAS-SEI) was to promote cultural change in our approach to teaching and learning and establish sustainable processes to continue and improve the work accomplished during the CWSEI project.
The EOAS-SEI program completed the first phase of CWSEI in 2014 with more than 40 courses either fully transformed or impacted by CWSEI. These courses are now using principles of research-based effective pedagogy in their design and implementation. Many instructors of these courses continue to iterate on improvements either on their own or with consulting help from STLFs. About 80% of EOAS faculty and over half of our sessional instructors have received direct support to adjust their courses and teaching from the SEI.
The second phase of the project - the Harris Project - is an extension of CWSEI that ran primarily from 2014 to 2017. In addition to continuing course transformations and faculty support, this phase included deliberate effort toward effective transfer of pedagogies to new instructors, experimenting with a paired-teaching model. This was funded by John and Deb Harris, the UBC Faculty of Science, and the Earth, Ocean, & Atmospheric Sciences department.
The Carl Wieman Science Education Initiative in Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences touches all aspects of undergraduate teaching and learning in this department. Our undergraduates include those headed for careers in science and many for whom our department is their only encounter with science during their university years. We aim to provide the best opportunities for both these groups to practice scientific thinking and to incorporate scientific skills into their lives, regardless of their career path. We have been developing and using instruments to assess student achievement of learning goals and also their attitudes about science. Our graduate students are involved as an integral part of the undergraduate teaching and learning effort and we have developed a new TA training program to better meet the needs of grad students, undergraduates, and faculty.
A copy of our submitted proposal is available here: EOAS proposal.